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Release notes 4.5

Hello! It’s due time for a recap of all the fancy new stuff we have been adding to the platform lately! These past months, the team at Utilifeed has been busy improving one of our most used tools, the global filter, further developing our tools for production optimization and scenario analysis. In addition, we have been working tirelessly to rid the platform of bugs as well as making large improvements to the performance and user experience of the platform. Here’s a recap!

Rebuilding the Global Filter

Our global filter is awesome. Simply awesome. It lets you filter almost any data in almost any view, making it one of the most powerful tools in our entire platform. However, what is good can always be improved on to become great. So, we took a step back and asked ourselves (and our users) how the filter could be improved. We ended up going through how the filter was built from the ground up and made changes that improved the speed of the filter by quite a lot. We even managed to make the filter up to 3 times faster to respond in some cases.

We hope that you’ve noticed this, but let’s be honest, the filter was pretty fast from the start. Therefore, we think you more likely will have noticed our new versions of the filter settings themselves! This first release of the new filter includes a significant update to the functionality of the categorical filters which includes filter parameters such as names and addresses.

Even the filters are filterable!

You’ll notice that there’s a new look to buttons and text. But most of all we think you’ll notice that there’s a search bar inside each filter! We noticed that you often had very long lists of especially customer names in the filter, so we decided to make it a bit easier to find a particular customer. Just start typing in the search bar and the list will shrink to something more manageable. Then select or deselect the customer (or other metadata) that you would like to filter in our out.

There’s more to it!

But what if I want to sort the list in the filter? I just want it to show the customer that has the most substations! Well, click the little arrow in the top right corner of each filter and you’ll get options that let you do just that!

Sort and select the ones you want to see; you can also use the search bar in here!

Let’s go Swedish!

Our platform just turned Swedish! To view the entire platform in Swedish, navigate to the top bar and hit the language selection button, which displays the currently used language.

Choose Swedish to translate the platform to Swedish, switch back to English at any time if you want. Simple! The platform will remember which language you chose previously, so you only need to set this once. We are using some automated tools when translating, but the majority of it is manual work (AI haven’t learned some district heating terms like “flödesmedelviktad returtemperatur” just yet).

Fault Detection shows you the energy balance

One of the key things that our fault detection algorithm looks for when finding faulty substations in your network is the heat energy balance of each substation. Remember the definition of heat energy?

For every substation, for every hour, we calculate the right-hand side of this and check it against what the energy meter in the substation measured. If everything is as it should, the measured energy should be the same as the energy you’d calculate using the volume and temperature values. We say that the energy balance is:

And if the energy balance is not zero, we flag the substation as faulty! We’ve always done this in the background, but we received a lot of feedback that our fault detection users want to get more into the details of how the fault detection algorithm works, and we listened! For a substation that is flagged as faulty, you can now view the energy balance for each hour in that substation.

The heat energy that is collected from the heat meter is normally calculated in the integrator of the heat meter, based on the temperatures and flow measured in the substation. This means that you would normally expect the heat energy collected from the meter, and the heat energy that we calculate when checking the heat energy balance, to be the same. So, an energy balance that is not equal to zero may be an indication that something is not working as it should in a substation or heat meter – especially if the energy balance is a lot larger than zero! Some examples of things that could be wrong are a poor connection between the heat meter and the meter data collection system, and meters that are storing and/or sending the wrong values to the meter data collection system.

The sales dashboard calculates the sum of energy in the past few days

Our sales dashboard lets you get a quick overview of how much heat that has been delivered to all substations in your network for different time periods. If you scroll past the top KPI cards you’ll see the delivered heat in your network (or chosen cluster), hour by hour for up to the latest 30 days. To get a feel for how much heat this actually is, we’ve added a simple calculation that sums the values shown in that graph and put that on top of the graph!

Want to get in touch?

We’ve always been just an email away, but we’ve now made that even clearer. We’ve added a feedback button to our man menu!

Use it to send us any bug reports, ideas, complaints, praise or just random thoughts! It will be read by our product team and handled promptly.

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