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The journey to the integrated energy system starts here

Today, heat and electricity generation constitute 45% of the worlds CO2 emissions. Our AI-powered digital twin catalyzes dramatic efficiency enhancements. We transform district heating networks into vital parts of an integrated energy system through one unified SaaS-platform.
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Uddevalla Kraft optimizes with Utilifeed (Oct 17, 2024)

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platform features

One platform. Many business functions.

Integrating data from several sources and using the exact same data as the basis for decision making and analysis in all different business units increases management efficiency dramatically and decreases the frustration of inconsistent data from different sources.

Silos between departments also limit insights that can be drawn. The marketing department will for example not be able to evaluate the profitability of customers without high resolution production and consumption data. This is one of the barriers the platform solves.


We are proud to offer state of the art solutions for the production team. Our tailor-made machine learning algorithm EnergyPredict increases the accuracy of load forecasts with 85% compared to established solutions in the industry.

Better predictions also mean better opportunities to optimize production and utilize the flexibility in the district heating grid and connected buildings. This is exactly what our production optimization engine does thanks to digital twins of the production system and connected buildings.


Moving heat from production plants to consuming buildings only takes some hot water and fat pipes in the ground, right? Or is there more to it? 

Putting pipes in the ground is more than our smart algorithms can handle, but making sure that the temperature of the water and pipe dimensions have been optimized for highest possible resource utilization is where our solutions shine. In addition we provide continuous monitoring, ensuring that the system works as expected including monitoring of the substations and highlighting those in need of maintenance.

Sales and Marketing

The district heating customer is a lot more than a traditional consumer that just pays for a received service. They are an integral part of the district heating system which means that their behaviour and usage patterns affects the efficiency of the whole system. This poses both opportunities and risks. Price models need to give the right incentives to customers to make optimal behaviour profitable. This and other crucial aspects of pricing are easily analyzed for a wide range of price models in our well received pricing module.

In addition our intuitive analytics interface opens up unique opportunities to analyze the customer base from all relevant angles and the most business critical KPIs are continuously updated in dashboards.


Moving to a digitalized smart grid requires data, lots of data. Everything we do is centered around the data we collect and the quality of the underlying data, enhanced with our cleaning algorithms.

This attention to data allows for advanced analytics and analysis down to an hourly data resolution. In the metering section of the platform insights on the quality of data we receive is presented as well as metrics on how data has been corrected by the system.

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the power of digitalization

Radical savings for the
environment and wallet

District heating is a hero in the energy system with it's capability of capturing waste heat and using it for heating of buildings. Our groundbreaking solutions equip this hero with the power of digitalization. The outcome is increased efficiency, flexibility and seamless integration with the end user for improved customer relations.
The potential savings from implementing cutting-edge digital solutions in district heating are too significant to delay. Our analysis of at typical* Swedish district heating grid reveals below substantial efficiency improvement opportunities:

2 000 Ton CO2e

Direct Emission Decrease

5 400 Ton CO2e

Energy System Benefits

500 Ton CO2e

Avoided Infrastructure Investments

€ 200 k

Saved Time

€ 1 500 k

Production Cost Savings

€ 900 k

Decreased CapEx

€ 600 k

Increased Sales

*Yearly heat production 0,5 TWh. Learn more about our reference case
By partnering with Utilifeed, we will together methodically work against identifying improvement areas and step by step drive change to get closer to an optimal state.

Curious about the assumptions behind the numbers and how they would look like for your specific grid? Contact us and we will share our insights!
Contact us
the secret sauce

The Smart and Integrated
District Heating Utility Made Easy

We unlock the value of district heating data through our unique skill set in smart energy systems, AI, system development and business management, all boiled down to a secret sauce behind the scenes in our SaaS-platform.
The transformation of the world is accelerating. We are aiming to lead the way within the energy sector.  With digital solutions based on the best available building blocks, we help the industry to shift gear and move fast forward to secure a brighter and more sustainable energy future.

Clean Data

Ever tried to pull out one year of hourly data from 5 000 district heating meters and aggregate it into one data series? 

If so it’s likely that you found that the result was useless due to bad metering quality. When connecting to our platform the first thing we do is to clean all your metering data down to each data point with our tailor-made state of the art cleaning algorithms. 

At this point you have already gained drastic improvements to make you more data driven.

Immediate Insights

From day one after onboarding you will reap valuable insights from your data in the intuitive interface of our platform. 

Ever wondered what the yearly savings potential is in your specific grid from better maintenance of substations? 

Well, this and many other critical KPI:s will always be up to date and ready for you. Our AI and analytics engine performs millions of operations on your data on a daily basis to generate quality assured KPI:s.

Optimized Operations

Ever heard of a platform that integrates the demand side and production side of a district heating system?
Neither had we and that’s part of the novelty that opens up unique opportunities within optimization.
Production, distribution, price models and consumption, everything is optimized in the same platform. If that’s not enough it also streamlines collaboration and management within the whole organization.

tailor-made energy competence

Why market leaders
are choosing Utilifeed

The first thing that strikes most of our users is how quick and easy it is to get started using Utilifeed's platform. Compared to traditional legacy systems the implementation phase is drastically simplified. There is no installation costs and no big implementation projects needed to be set up.
Competence partner

We are 100% focused on building the digital infrastructure the district heating industry needs today and in the future.

Our team is perfectly balanced with the combination of skills needed to do the job. The 100 000+ hours our team have invested in the platform so far is ready to create value for you today.

It’s more than a system. It’s energy competence in code, tailor-made to your needs.

No intrusion

Our platform is completely cloud based. To get started all you need to do is to transfer data to our secure AWS-environment which means no intrusion in your existing IT-infrastructure is needed.

One week after we’ve received your data you can be up and running.

Fast payback

We are leveraging on the power of standardisation and state of the art cloud infrastructure.

This means that we can offer extraordinary short payback times while de-risking your digitalization investments.


We love collaborating with customers and partners

We started from a blank slate but with a strong conviction of what it will take to make utility companies smart and interconnected with the outside world and across utility sectors. Our solutions are building blocks that need to fit into a bigger puzzle together with many other stakeholders.

We have the privilege to share this drive to leverage the benefits of digitalization and smart energy systems with our forward thinking customers and partners. Want to be part of our emerging ecosystem?

Join the journey
who we are

Meet our amazing team

Utilifeed is built around the conviction that the world needs a smarter, more efficient and more flexible energy system to meet the challenges of the future. Our team consists of a perfect mix of talents to meet these challenges.
Meet the team

Want to put your unique skills to work for a smart & sustainable energy system?

We are always looking for top talents to join our team. Working at Utilifeed means that you will be an important part of driving innovation in the energy sector. You will be welcomed by a high performing team in an honest, respectful and supportive culture where focus is to succeed together.
Become a Utilifeeder